Here at the Grove Foundation, we understand the struggle faced by and stand with the Ukrainian people. Their battle is not one against a country, but against tyranny that threaten all of our freedom and global democratic values.
Dear Beneficiaries and Friends of our Foundation,
Welcome to our website which has information on our mission and current activities that will continue to evolve.
We want to wish everyone Happy Holidays and a happy and healthy New Year!
Mission and History
“Non omnis moriar” Horace
Started in June 2019, The Elzbieta and David Grove Foundation was established at the request Dr. Grove, who was Elzbieta’s husband and who passed away on July 21, 2016 at the age of 98. According to David’s direction in his last will and testament the mission of the Foundation shall have three aims: to support Nature, Education and Art, which he dedicated his whole life to.
Thanks to the Founder’s long, diligent and very successful life, we created this Foundation to continue his legacy and philanthropy that will support and allow others to benefit from his vision.
The Roman poet, Horace, who was a favorite of David’s, said: “NON OMNIS MORIAR," meaning, "I shall not wholly die," or " My work will live." It serves as the motto of the Foundation. Elzbieta treats those words as her duty to David and she has pledged to do her best to manage the resources and distribute them in the way that best serves the ideas, which were always essential to him.
In Elzbieta’s speech at David’s memorial service, she mentioned the idea of The Foundation for the first time:
“ Dear Friends ,
I would like to say thank you to everyone who is with me today and who supported David and me during the last years of his life.
It seemed his passion for life was stronger than death. David’s life has ended but his Private Foundation, that we established not so long ago, will live long after his death. It will serve to support the most important values in his life: education, nature and art.
This way the words, “ Non omnis moriar “ “not all of me will die “ will be fulfilled.
Thank you and God bless you all “
Elzbieta dedicates her work to her beloved 21 year old granddaughter, Julia Borstyn , who lives in Poland, as well as all young people. I hope that, thanks to the Foundation’s work on the natural environment, education and the arts, we will leave the next generations a world that is a better place than before.
Contact us.
914 - 588 - 3291
6 Juniper Ct
Armonk, NY 10504