Krakov August-December 2022

Florence October 2021
In October 2021, Piotr Ostrowski was invited to present his work in XIII Florence Biennale. The inspiration for his installation came from a sculpture in the Medici Chapel, which Piotr is pictured with on the left.
Below is his installation, “Lux et Umbra”,
Workshop Stained Glass Museum
The Stained Glass Museum in Kraków is a truly unique venue. On the one hand, it secures and protects the works of the stained glass studio which has been operating incessantly since 1902 and on the other, it is place where avant-garde works according to the signature designs come into being and are executed by Piotr Ostrowski.
The Museum also has an educational offer which comprises workshops for children and youth.
The Museum and the studio have been a private property of Urszula and Piotr Ostrowski as of 2002, who channel all their private funds, time, energy and talents to this place.
In 2015, the Museum was chosen as one of the ten best venues in Poland in an independent ranking. It is the only one fully private institution in the group, which is a great accomplishment, not only in the realm of art, but also business.
In 2019, the Stained Glass Museum received the prestigious “Sybilla” prize awarded to the best exhibition projects in Poland. For the first time in the prize’s history, it was awarded to a private institution.
In appreciation of the exceptional contribution of the Stained Glass Museum to the international heritage of stained glass art, our directors decided to offer it grants both in 2019 and in 2020. Due to this, the Museum is the only institution supported by our Foundation outside of the United States.
Photos illustrating the use of the grant for 2019 are presented below :
Before & After
“Polonia” and “Apollo”
Exhibition of “Polonia” and “Apollo” stained glasses in the newly regained and renovated flat converted into the part of the Museum .
Opening night of stained glass “Polonia” and animation of “Apollo. Elements” attended by mayor of Krakow Jacek Majchrowski.